"An Aggie girl marries The Tractor Man" ... she really thought his tractor was sexy!!!
Maybe that's just how I see it lol, but Collin really does drive the tractor at the NavaRio Ranch Horse Productions shows that Amanda co-organizes! Oh, they also have started their careers at Producer's Cooperative in Bryan together, drive a couple of trucks, and enjoy cold Lone Star <3
It's a match made in Texan heaven!
For their engagement session, we started a tad later in the morning than expected because we stayed out too late at a NavaRio show the night before - big surprise lol! So, naturally, after smiling and smooching (but sweating) through 2 outfits, they popped the top on a beer for the last few shots. Cheers!
The puppers you'll run across is Miss Bailey; she's been the kiddo of the household since I met Amanda & Collin & had to make a guest appearance! She's an awesome girl and travels along to many of fur mom & pop's outings.
There's a story behind the keyring you see hiding just under the diamonds on that left finger of hers. I don't want to fudge any details, so I'll let you ask; but, I will say that Collin has his job cut out for him marrying a woman this headstrong!
Here's to the lifetime of love and laughter that you both deserve! I cannot wait to celebrate with y'all!

Thank you for reaching out! I will be reviewing your message and sending a reply asap! Have a great day!